Die sich zum außergewöhnlichen Teenager entwickelten Lory und ihr Freund müssen in einer lebensgefährlichen Mission mehr über Einsteins wichtigste geheime Entdeckung herausfinden, um eine brutale Diktatorin besiegen zu können.

Mit Hintergrundinfos zu Einsteins Entdeckung der zentralen Rolle der Lokalen Symmetrie im Kosmos.

Paperback: ISBN 9783759767172
eBook: ISBN 9783769347418

Bestellmöglichkeiten für den Roman ... Amazon.com .com.au .com.br .ca .co.uk .de .es .fr .in .it .nl .sg
oder im lokalen Buchhandel

Mit Blick auf die Veröffentlichung des Buches haben 2025 George und Ehrengard Hohbach 100 Bäume in Kenia für die Initiative "Plant Trees for Impact" mit der Umweltstiftung One Tree Planted gepflanzt.

Courtesy of One Tree Planted



“Sci-Fi-Leser sollten die Serie nicht verpassen.”
Readers' Favorite® 5-Star Review


While coming under attack by an Artificial Intelligence System, two teenagers discover Einstein’s Superstar Code that can put humanity back on a positive track with Nature.

Young Adult novel, 296 pages

With extra info on Albert Einstein’s discovery concerning the core role of symmetry in Nature (the cosmos), plus information on the Circular Economy.

Paperback: ISBN 9783753465883
eBook: ISBN 9783754375914

Order Options for the Novel ... Amazon.com .com.au .com.br .ca .co.uk .de .es .fr .in .it .nl .sg
or local bookstore

In anticipation of the book, George and Ehrengard planted 101 trees in Uganda in August of 2021 with the Environmental Charity One Tree Planted

Courtesy of One Tree Planted



“… a truly entertaining sci-fi tale (…) Albert Einstein was convinced that Nature could be understood as an amazing, simple mathematical structure in which symmetry has become his guiding principle. (…) George Hohbach manages to put hardcore science into fiction (…) This story is a blast, and I highly recommend it to all sci-fi lovers who love a strong element of science in their fiction.”
Readers' Favorite® 5-Star Review

“…a charming sci-fi comedy adventure tale that young readers can immerse themselves in. The character interactions and dialogue set the pace of the narrative and keep the reader engaged.”
Readers' Favorite® 5-Star Review

“Zac and Elli are fantastically well-developed characters, whose dialogue is relatable for YA readers and keeps the pace of the novel moving along in a punchy way (…) The enthusiasm that this book has for both scientific facts and utilizing science fiction to produce positive messages about future change is second to none.”
Readers' Favorite® 5-Star Review


The Sci-Fi Action-Comedy Prequel Einstein Superstar Code 2 reveals the spectacular, action-packed chain of events leading up to the mysterious beginning of the adventure of Einstein Superstar Code.

Young Adult novel, 356 pages

With extra info on Albert Einstein’s discovery concerning the core role of local symmetry in Nature (the cosmos), plus information on the Circular Economy.

Paperback: ISBN 9783757827182
eBook: ISBN 9783757835897

Order Options for the Book ... Amazon.com .com.au .com.br .ca .co.uk .de .es .fr .in .it .nl .sg
or local bookstore

In anticipation of the book, George and Ehrengard planted 100 trees in the Pacific Northwest to help protect the Orca in December of 2022 with the Environmental Charity One Tree Planted.

Courtesy of One Tree Planted


“Adventures that are both exciting and educational can be a fantastic way to engage young readers in the world of science…”
Readers' Favorite® 5-Star Review

“Readers will be kept enthralled and eager to follow the mission (…) Young adult sci-fi fans who wish to enrich their minds while laughing and enjoying an action-packed tale should read George and Ehrengard Hohbach's magical, addictive book.”
Readers' Favorite® 5-Star Review


A smart whiz kid and two video-game heroes, together, must solve several age-old mysteries to defeat an evil pharaoh and help humanity create a prosperous future, based on Einstein’s most significant discovery.

With extra info on Albert Einstein’s discovery concerning the core role of local symmetry in Nature (the cosmos), plus information on the Circular Economy.

Paperback: ISBN 9783758325298
eBook: ISBN 9783758346569

Order Options for the Novel ... Amazon.com .com.au .com.br .ca .co.uk .de .es .fr .in .it .nl .sg
or local bookstore

In anticipation of the book, George and Ehrengard planted 200 trees on Happy Plant a Tree Day in September of 2023 with the Environmental Charity One Tree Planted.

Courtesy of One Tree Planted


“Einstein Superstar Code 3 - Gate hcg is a contemporary, inventive, humorous, insightful sci-fi adventure that creates a fun way of learning and understanding local symmetry.”
Readers' Favorite® 5-Star Review

“Hohbach delivers a thrilling science fiction tale…” Readers' Favorite® 5-Star Review

“Young adult sci-fi readers shouldn't miss out on this series.”
Readers' Favorite® 5-Star Review


Unbemerkt von der Öffentlichkeit wies Albert Einstein mithilfe der Wissenschaft die Existenz des einfachen, zentralen und geistig-materiellen Schöpfungsprinzip des Kosmos nach, woraus sich überlebenswichtige Konsequenzen für die Zukunft der Menschheit im Einklang mit der Natur ergeben.

Paperback: ISBN 9783758368615
eBook: ISBN 9783758338281

Bestelloptionen für das Buch ... Amazon.com .com.au .com.br .ca .co.uk .de .es .fr .in .it .nl .sg
oder in der lokalen Buchhandlung

Mit Blick auf die Veröffentlichung des Buches haben 2024 George und Ehrengard Hohbach 100 Bäume in Mexiko für den Monarchfalter mit der Umweltstiftung One Tree Planted gepflanzt.

Courtesy of One Tree Planted

The famous hologram of the legendary Cradle to Cradle co-founder, his two teenage, daredevil cohorts and a mysterious boy from planet Earth have to risk everything to protect their C2C Galaxy from two evil scientists and their vicious army of the Linearmore Alliance.

illustrated Young Adult Graphic Novel, 124 pages, paperback & eBook

Paperback (color): ISBN 9783751993197
eBook (color): ASIN B0BK51KXFT
Paperback (b/w): ISBN 9783756299683

based on the life of C2C co-founder Michael Braungart; Read more ...

Order Options for the Book ... Amazon.com .com.au .com.br .ca .co.uk .de .es .fr .in .it .nl .sg
or local bookstore
Watch the upcoming Sci-Fi Graphic Novel’s Title Song "C2C GALAXY" as a Music Video on YouTube

In anticipation of the action-packed and humorous Cradle to Cradle novels, the authors, George and Ehrengard, planted 1000 trees in California in 2019 with the Environmental Charity One Tree Planted.

Courtesy of One Tree Planted

10 percent of the authors’ (George & Erhengard) revenue from each sale of the authorized C2C novels go to the Cradle to Cradle NGO.




“Brilliant job.”
Readers’ Favorite® 5-Star Review

“This eye-opening book (…) shows us (…) how to leave a more positive human footprint.”
Readers' Favorite® 5-Star Review

“C2C Galaxy (…) is an unmissable comic book.”
Readers' Favorite® 5-Star Review



Agent C2C and his two American cohorts have to find solutions to two dangerous international crises and the growing environmental challenges – fast!

Read more…

illustrated Young Adult Novel,
364 pages, paperback & eBook

Paperback: ISBN 9783751942805
eBook: ISBN 9783751974394

based on the life of C2C co-founder Michael Braungart; Read more…

Order Options for the Novel ... Amazon.com .com.au .com.br .ca .co.uk .de .es .fr .in .it .nl .sg
or local bookstore
Watch the Novel’s Title Song "AGENT C2C" as a Music Video on YouTube


“…Following the Cradle to Cradle design concept that was co-founded by chemist Michael Braungart, readers will learn insightful new ways to save the world within this action-packed comedy adventure tale.”
Readers' Favorite® 5-Star Review

“… a comedy action eco-fiction novel that revolves around Agent C2C (…) it starts off weirdly funny. That's intentional and, frankly, it's also brilliant (…) It's both entertaining and educational, and a true delight. Very highly recommended.”
Readers' Favorite® 5-Star Review

“Agent C2C was an incredible story from start to finish (…) filled with humor, action, a strong plot, and even stronger characters (…) I would highly recommend this book!
Readers' Favorite® 5-Star Review

“… science, modern language, and outrageously funny jokes, (…) It’s a wonderful tribute to Michael Braungart (…) Readers who enjoy action-filled, environmentally friendly books will love Agent C2C.”
Readers' Favorite® 5-Star Review

“…an exciting action-comedy novel that introduces young adults to the Cradle to Cradle (C2C) design concept and the goal of a positive circular economy that mimics Nature’s nutrient cycle (…) an utterly fun and informative read.”
Readers' Favorite® 5-Star Review

Two young chemistry fans, haunted by a polluting, mad robot, discover a stunning, circular solution in Nature at the last minute that can save their home planet.

Read more…

illustrated Middle Grade Novel,
190 pages, paperback & eBook

Paperback: ISBN 9783751938853
eBook: ISBN 9783751925105

based on the life of C2C co-founder Michael Braungart; Read more…

Order Options for the Novel ... Amazon.com .com.au .com.br .ca .co.uk .de .es .fr .in .it .nl .sg
or local bookstore
Watch the Novel’s Theme Song “NATURE LIVES” as a Music Video on YouTube


“…one of the most inspirational and imaginative books for children that I have ever had the privilege of reading (…) such wonderful childlike imaginations (…) Thank you for taking me into a wonderful world of make-believe with a touch of reality.”
Readers' Favorite® 5-Star Review

“… a fascinating sci-fi adventure (…) toward a better future (…) Michael and Mia also contains the highly influential Cradle to Cradle (C2C) design concept principles co-founded by Michael Braungart...”
Readers' Favorite® 5-Star Review

“This is an absolutely wonderful story that both entertains and educates.”
Readers' Favorite® 5-Star Review

Zwei junge Chemifans riskieren ihr Leben, um eine erstaunliche Lösung zu finden, die sowohl den verrückten Müllroboter besiegt als auch ihren Planeten rettet: die Magie des Naturkreislaufes.

Illustrierter Jugendroman, 196 Seiten, Taschenbuch & E-Book

Taschenbuch: ISBN 9783757824631
E-Book: ISBN 9783757885625

Bestelloptionen ... Amazon.de .com .com.au .com.br .ca .co.uk .es .fr .in .it .nl .sg
oder der örtliche Buchladen

Der Themesong des Romans als Musikvideo auf YouTube

Mit Blick auf die Veröffentlichung der Cradle to Cradle Romane haben 2019 George und Ehrengard Hohbach 1000 Bäume in Kalifornien mit der Umweltstiftung One Tree Planted gepflanzt

Courtesy of One Tree Planted

10 Prozent der Autoreneinnahmen (George & Ehren) von jedem verkauften Buch gehen an die Cradle to Cradle NGO.



„…ein faszinierendes Sci-Fi-Abenteuer in eine bessere Zukunft.”
Readers' Favorite® 5-Sterne Bewertung

„…eines der inspirierendsten und fantasievollsten Bücher für Kinder, welches ich je lesen durfte.“
Readers‘ Favorite® 5-Sterne-Bewertung

„Das ist eine absolut wunderbare Geschichte, die sowohl unterhält als auch lehrreich ist.“
Readers‘ Favorite® 5-Sterne-Bewertung

In this romantic comedy, two look-alikes – an alien princess and a wild pop star from planet Earth – magically switch places to discover their true selves, real love & the clever, climate-smart circular economy.

Young adult novel, 280 pages

With extra info on the circular economy and Albert Einstein’s discovery regarding the core role of symmetry in Nature.

Plus, the sheet music to the title song and other pop songs

Paperback: 978-3-7557-6963-7
eBook: 9783756249916

Order Options for the Novel ... Amazon.com .com.au .com.br .ca .co.uk .de .es .fr .in .it .nl .sg
or local bookstore

Coming soon
Watch the Novel’s Title Song "Circularity Is Future" as a Music Video on YouTube

In anticipation of the book, George and Ehrengard planted 100 trees for a Biodiversity project in the US in February of 2022 with the Environmental Charity One Tree Planted

Courtesy of One Tree Planted


“… a romantic fairy tale comedy that puts a new twist on the premise of identity switching (…) what makes this story fascinating is that the switch involves an alien princess and a human pop star. (…) both are running away from their circumstances but end up embracing who they truly are. Hohbach and Palmer deliver scenes with more charm than you expect.”
Readers' Favorite® 5-Star Review

”…a young adult novel filled with many exciting plot twists and romantic scenes that will leave you wanting more (…) I recommend the novel to environmental enthusiasts who will appreciate the author's effort to create awareness about caring for the environment.”
Readers' Favorite® 5-Star Review

Our POP SONGS to our novels

inspired by eco-intelligent concepts

on: Spotify | Amazon Music | Apple Music | Napster | Deezer

Six clever teenagers have to overcome a dangerous negative force and make a positive future happen based on an eco-intelligent European concept.

Young Adult Novel, 176 pages, paperback & eBook

Paperback: ISBN 9783753465883
eBook: ISBN 9783753431871

With extra info on the European report "A System Change Compass" that inspired the novel.

Order Options for the Novel ... Amazon.com .com.au .com.br .ca .co.uk .de .es .fr .in .it .nl .sg
or local bookstore
Watch the Novel’s Theme Song “System Change Compass” as a Music Video on YouTube

Watch the Novel’s Rap Song “GLOBAL GREEN DEAL” as a Music Video on YouTube

In anticipation of the novel George and Ehrengard Hohbach planted 100 trees in 2021 in Iceland with the Environmental Charity One Tree Planted

Courtesy of One Tree Planted

“The Posionites and the Global Green Deal (…) I loved every part of this book. I hope that anyone searching for a fast-paced, action-packed read with a dominant theme of saving our planet will pick up The Posionites and the Global Green Deal.”
Readers' Favorite® 5-Star Reviews
“… one of the best books to teach young readers how important it is for all of us to start having a positive relationship with Nature again (…) a great story with fabulous characters from all over the world. I recommend The Posionites and the Global Green Deal to all young readers who care about the future of our planet.”
Readers' Favorite® 5-Star Reviews

In a race against time, Max discovers Nature’s magical circular power with the help of a beautiful fairy.

Children’s book, 80 pages, paperback & eBook

Paperback: ISBN 9783753410289
eBook: ISBN 9783753469119

With extra info on the Circular Economy that inspired the novel.

Order Options for the Book ... Amazon.com .com.au .com.br .ca .co.uk .de .es .fr .in .it .nl .sg
or local bookstore
Watch the Novel’s Title Song “ForeverCircleLand” as a Music Video on YouTube

In anticipation of the novel George and Ehrengard Hohbach planted 100 trees in 2021 in Tanzania with the Environmental Charity One Tree Planted

Courtesy of One Tree Planted

The Clear Focus Initiative details 3 eco-intelligent organizing principles with measurable aspects for human society based on Einstein’s discovery on the core role of Local Symmetry in Nature (the cosmos).

Non-fiction book, 86 pages

Paperback: 978-3-7557-8836-2
eBook: 978-3-7557-0692-2

Order Options for the Novel ... Amazon.com .com.au .com.br .ca .co.uk .de .es .fr .in .it .nl .sg
or local bookstore

In anticipation of the book, George and Ehrengard planted 100 trees in the Amazon Rainforest in January of 2022 with the Environmental Charity One Tree Planted

Courtesy of One Tree Planted


The book demonstrates how the revealed central role of symmetry in our world by Kabbalist Rav Yehuda Ashlag, mathematical physicist Albert Einstein, mathematician Emmy Noether and pioneering value investor Benjamin Graham underpins the positive, eco-intelligent and climate-smart Circular Economy.

Paperback: ISBN 9783754370568
eBook: ISBN 9783752666274

Order Options for the Book ... Amazon.com .com.au .com.br .ca .co.uk .de .es .fr .in .it .nl .sg
or local bookstore

In anticipation of the book, George and Ehrengard Hohbach planted 200 trees in a U.S. National Park in 2020 with the Environmental Charity One Tree Planted.

Courtesy of One Tree Planted


© 2006-2025 by George and Ehrengard Hohbach

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